Sites that inspire me

This site has a really sick color scheme.

Use linear-grandient()

This site has this section that I really like:

Unfortunately since I don’t have @zanca for twitter, this isn’t too usefull for me.

Really stylish hero section and scrolling down has a dope animation

From the same guy, his car app is similar to what I made for ITT @ txt

Maybe I should recreate the work I did for ITT in wireframes so that I can show it off in my portfolio.

Great quote appreas after hero section

This is also a site of the day winner for its styling.

This is a great way to show off everything that was done

Though being that I made a lot of proprietary things, it might be hard.

Theres also this side thingy for links (this is in the lower left, fixed position)

Her work experience sideways tabs thing is also cool.

I remade this with just css in the past but never made the animation.

Idealy I could use my JSON resume for this data, though would be nice to statically include this at build time.

Her hero section is great too because she has a call to action for people to buy her course. So she’s getting and giving value from developers viewing her portfolio.

TBW, her about me is also pretty lit

Hamburger menu animation. I should make a few of these just for practice.

She also has amazing project cards. Holy fuck this site is a marvel.

Inspired by her course I should make a music section on my site using’s api to see my music listening stats.

Has a very intersting hero section that

Very nice bold design

Epic hero section

I need a how-i-work section along with a manifesto section where I mention simplicity please and software craftsmanship.

Profile Picture

Now this would be an awesome profile picture

White text with color background

This is literally a screenshot from a youtube video

I really like the effect of having a colored background. It gives the font color but it doesn’t and it looks dope.

Some startpage on reddit. Great colors

Awards to strive for

Github stars




Tutorials of stuff I want to include

Animating Link Underlines

Svelte Shiki

Static generation w/ sveltekit

Another sveltekit blog tutorial