Inspired by notion’s @today dates that as time passes, always reflect a natural language date relative to the time you first entered the @today text.

In obsidian, we could add a custom web-component e.g. <relative-date>2024-09-26T14:00</relative-date> which will render out to a nld like notion e.g. Today at 2pm, then tomorrow yesterday at 2pm, then progressively adding more information as specificity increases. thursday at 2pm, last thursday at 2pm, Sep 26th at 2pm, Sep 26th 2024 at 2pm.

For things like publish/quartz, this <relative-date>2024-09-26T14:00</relative-date> simply renders as 2024-09-26T14:00 in the dom (since no web component with that name exists, the browser will render it as if it were a div). Though for publish specifically, you could add a the web-component snippet to publish.js to have it render properly.