TF:FoC Escalation meets RoR2 like mechanics


For a long time I’ve thought:

What if Transformers Fall of Cybertron’s Escalation was bigger, better and not tied to a dead game with shutdown servers.

I just realized that the perfect pairing is Risk of Rain 2.

So, what if they had a baby? What would that look like?


The game will fundamentally be like Escalation but way more rooms with gear you can see thru slits in the door. (maybe boss opening portals idk to next zone idk)

I loved transformers for the movement but we can have that without transformations. Each survivor will have a fairly unique movement ability (maybe some duplication).

I want weapons to be a part of the random loot. I really enjoyed swapping out weapons in WfC/FoC. Buying ammo packs and such was great resource management too.

I want buying doors and gear to be part of the experience. I want that to be the primary method of obtaining gear/upgrades. But I also don’t want people to feel scammed. Maybe could have tiers of quality. Same gun but white/blue/purple/legendary. Unsure how you’d get them. Maybe the vending machine could have 2 prices, one guarentees a higher tier meanwhile the other has a chance of that tier.

Im not sure there’s enough motivation to move on from rooms. In FoC it was to get to specific rooms for specific loot. Maybe in this game the vending machines could run out of supply or the rooms could decay forcing you out even if supply remains.


  • Basic map (copy paste the classic WfC autobot map)
  • 2 characters. Rip them from risk of rain minus the weapons
  • multiplayer, ideally