When I eventually get good at making games, these are ideas I may want to steal.

Destiny 2

  • Inventory access at all times
  • Access to other characters via DIM (but theoretically could be done from in game)
  • Uniques can’t be transmog’d

Dark Souls

  • Stamina: when you perform an action that consumes stamina, but don’t have enough stamina, you will still be able to perform the action. This “soft limit” way of using stamina is in contrast to “mana” which is a “hard limit”. The end result is that stamina actions, which are way more common, feel more fluid. If a swing costs 20 but you have 19, instead of being prevented from swinging, you will still swing. Another reason this works, is because stamina is used for other things, so by instantly draining your stamina, you’re making a trade off of getting that attack in but being defenseless afterwards. This overall promotes a more aggressive playstyle, and feels more fluid.