Interviewer: Ameya Naik. Build a JSONViewer tool that renders JSON in pretty way with 2 space padding for indentation supports collapse/expand functionality per node for navigation For example, check out import React, { FC } from 'react' import './App.css' // Test JSON from const USER_1_JSON_STRING: string = '{"address":{"geolocation":{"lat":"-37.3159","long":"81.1496"},"city":"kilcoole","street":"new road","number":7682,"zipcode":"12926-3874"},"id":1,"email":"","username":"johnd","password":"m38rmF$","name":{"firstname":"john","lastname":"doe"},"phone":"1-570-236-7033"}'; // const USER_2_JSON_STRING: string = // `[${USER_1_JSON_STRING}]`; const USER_2_JSON_STRING: string = '[1,2,3]'; console.log('USER_2_JSON_STRING', USER_2_JSON_STRING); const Node: FC<{ jsonKey: string, value: any, isLast: boolean }> = ({ jsonKey, value, isLast, }) => ( <details> <summary> {`"${jsonKey}": `} </summary> <Renderer json={value}/> {/* {Array.isArray(value) ? ']' : '}'} */} {isLast ? '' :','} </details> ) const Leaf: FC<{ jsonKey: string, value: any, isLast: boolean }> = ({ jsonKey, value, isLast, }) => ( <div key={jsonKey}> {`"${jsonKey}": "${value.toString()}"${isLast ? '' :','}`} </div> ) const Renderer: FC<{ json: any }> = ({ json }) => { const keys = Object.keys(json) const isArray = Array.isArray(json) return ( <div>{isArray ? '[' : '{'} <div style={{ marginLeft: '20px' }}> {, i) => { const value = json[key] if (typeof value === 'object') { return <Node jsonKey={key} value={value} isLast={keys.length - 1 === i}/> } return <Leaf jsonKey={key} value={value} isLast={keys.length - 1 === i}/> })} </div> {isArray ? ']' : '}'} </div> ) } export default function App() { const json = JSON.parse(USER_1_JSON_STRING) console.log(JSON.stringify(USER_1_JSON_STRING, null, 2)) return ( <div className="app"> <div className="header"> <span>JSON Viewer</span> </div> <div className='content'> <Renderer json={JSON.parse(USER_1_JSON_STRING)}/> <hr/> <Renderer json={JSON.parse(USER_2_JSON_STRING)}/> </div> </div> ) }